Crash driver 'taught by PowerPoint'

Written By Unknown on Senin, 08 April 2013 | 23.20

A Commission of Inquiry into the vehicle crash that killed Sapper Jordan Penpraze is under way in Sydney. Picture: Ross Schultz Source: News Limited

Sapper Jordan Ronald Penpraze died from injuries suffered in a crash at the Holsworthy army barracks. Picture: Defence Department Source: Supplied

A YOUNG army engineer had just three hours of cross-country driving experience in a Unimog truck when the vehicle he was driving crashed last October killing 22-year-old Sapper Jordan Penpraze.

A Commission of Inquiry into the incident in Sydney today, before former Magistrate Warren Cook, was told that the truck driver, Sapper Alexander Gall, had a mere 14 hours of total experience of the heavy vehicle when the Unimog rolled on October 8, 2012 at Holsworthy army barracks near Sydney.

Sapper Penpraze, from Mount Martha in Victoria, was just a few days away from graduating from the School of Military Engineering when he suffered massive head injuries in the rollover and died three days later.

After establishing that his client could remain in the hearing room throughout the two-week inquiry, Counsel representing Sapper Gall, Lieutenant Colonel David McLure said that at no point during his 14 hours of training did Sapper Gall have unrestrained personnel in the back of a Unimog.

PowerPoint slides were the only training aides used to teach him how to drive a vehicle with people in the back, Colonel McLure said.

He said the entire lesson on speed and passengers involved 33 slides and took just 20 minutes.

Army doctrine specifies that unrestrained personnel must not be carried in the back of a Unimog when the driver was under training.

Under questioning from Colonel McLure the Officer in Command of the Engineer Training Squadron, Major Adam Kavanagh told the inquiry that he was not a qualified Unimog driver and he accepted that drivers trained by the Army School of Transport were qualified to operate the vehicles listed on their licence.

He said he did not know that drivers only completed 14 hours of training to become qualified on the Unimog.

When asked if he was surprised by that he replied: "Yes.''

When asked if believed it was adequate, he said: "I have to believe that when they come back to me qualified that they are correctly trained.''

Counsel assisting the Inquiry Colonel Frank Hollis objected to the line of questioning on the basis that Major Kavanagh was not qualified but inquiry president Mr Cook allowed the questions to continue.

When asked if he considered driver training adequate, particularly in relation to speed and passengers, Major Kavanagh said: "They should be driving to the road rules and conditions.''

Sapper Penpraze's parents Kathleen and Daryl and his fiancee Jacinta Thomas attended the opening day of the inquiry.

Police said at the time of the accident that they were examining whether or not speed was a factor.

Sapper Gall has been charged with unspecified offences under the Defence Force Discipline Act.

The inquiry continues.


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